Short story by Neelam Ahmed Basheer
It was a bright sunny afternoon. We were driving home
after picking up our daughters from school. Rani Apa and I were in the
front seats while our two teenaged daughters sat in the back, as our
tiny little Suzuki car whizzed on the smooth, wide road lying next to
the beautiful canal – the jewel of Lahore. Springtime was upon us. The
canal, lined with red flame trees and bright green shrubbery, was a
breathtaking sight and a feast for the eyes for whoever drove by.
Beautiful tall trees laden with orange and red colored flowers danced in
the wind and the green belts looked heavenly with lush thick foliage and
lovely red rose bushes.
It wasn’t a coincidence that both Rani Apa and my
daughters were in the same school. In fact we had planned it this way so
that both of us sisters would spend as much time with each other as
possible, as we were more friends to each other than sisters.
The girls were busy chatting with each other on the back
seat, clutching their Archie Comic books in their hands and talking
incessantly about their day in school, while we preferred listening to
old classical music tracks on the car tape player. We shook our heads at
every taan and high note of the wonderful kaafi rendered
by the musical wonder, late Asad Amanat Ali Khan, who as always was
singing it to divine perfection. The verses of Khawaja Ghulam Fareed,
the Sufi saint poet, were sinuously weaving their magic around us, cool
and refreshing like the breeze after a monsoon shower.
“Umraan langian bhabhan paar haalay na wus way kaalia”.
We started singing along with the seasoned crooner. “Phulaan de rang
kaalay surkh gulaban de mausam vich”. The mystical poetry had
enthralled both of us, and we were feeling almost giddy in the rapture
of the words. Our young daughters, sitting in the backseat, raised on
western and modern music and values just like all other children of
their age, looked at us with eyes full of curiosity and bubbled over
giggling. “What does it even mean? And why are you two acting so odd?”
they chuckled. I tried to explain the verses to them. “Our great mystic
poet Baba Fareed is saying: My whole life has been spent walking on
toes. Oh black cloud, behold your rain as yet. In the season of red
roses, the color of the flowers is black.”
“That’s really weird poetry. We can’t understand it”,
piped up my daughter, looking puzzled. It was obvious that both young
girls were not really able to grasp the concepts of our eastern
philosophies and the traditions of mystic thought, so they kept on
making silly remarks while we continued to enjoy the soulful music which
was so close to our hearts, our realities and our existence.
“Do you remember the rose house?” out of the blue Rani
Apa asked me, looking at me intently. “Rose house?” I murmured. Of
course I remembered. How could I ever forget? Rani Apa’s voice sounded
stifled and I too felt a chill go through my spine. How and why did she
even think of that at this time? My body froze for a moment, and it felt
like I was going to lose control of my vehicle.
Suddenly, I saw the traffic signal turn red and I pushed
the brake gently to come to a halt. I turned to glance at my elder
sister again who was lost in deep thought. I turned further and looked
at the two schoolgirls sitting in the back seat, who were mine and my
sisters’ daughters. Both were of the same age and almost similar in
their likes, dislikes and disposition. However, they were oblivious of
the fact that the world outside their sheltered lives was big, bad and
even dangerous, especially for young naïve little girls like them.
The Rose house had been an unspoken, unmentioned taboo
subject amongst us for almost 25 years, so why did she even bring it up
now? I failed to understand. In a moment a flash from the past jolted
through my mind, something that I had presumed to be forgotten in the
eons of time. Maybe I had intentionally dumped it in some dark corner of
my subconscious mind and let it stay buried under the layers of other
forgotten memories. In such a long span of time a lot of childhood
memories fade away or vanish in the smoke by themselves. I figured the
same would have been true for me.
Rani Apa and I were eighth and tenth grade students at
Lady Griffin Girls High School at the time. While Rani Apa was
considered a brilliant student in school I was known as the mischievous,
easy going and happy go lucky one. Both of us stayed together all the
time, content to spend every moment of the day in each other’s company.
In the morning we went to school by taking a bus from Krishan Nagar’s
last stop to Shahu Garhi, and took the same route coming back. It was a
long journey but amidst the pushing and shoving that went on in the bus
and our relentless chatting with each other, time flew by quickly and we
didn’t care about the long distance we covered every single day.
After reaching Shahu Garhi bus stop we would usually take
a short cut through a narrow lane, which made us get to the school
quicker. If we didn’t take that short cut we would have to walk through
the old British era Burt dancing Institute Street, which was a very long
way and a tiring walk for us. Rani Apa was always very eager to pass
through the short cut, and the reason for this was her fascination with
a unique looking little brick house that sat right in the middle of the
lane. Though ordinary looking otherwise, this house stood apart from
all the other houses in the street. This was because the house had a
riot of colorful roses growing majestically all over its façade and the
sides, making it look like a flower castle draped in dazzling color and
splendor. Hundreds of clinging rose vines climbed the outer walls
romantically, like a lover spreading her arms out in longing and
anticipation. The sight of so many beautiful orange, pink, white and red
roses was a feast for the eyes, and it cheered us up and filled our
mornings with happiness and delight. “I am sure this is what heaven
would look like”, Rani Apa would remark mesmerized, and I would nod my
head in agreement every time, as we continued to walk to the school as
fast as we could.
Rani Apa was an ardent flower lover. Every day, when we
reached the lane, she would slow down her pace when we neared the
wonderful Rose house, greedily set her eyes at the roses, look around,
hastily pinch one or two beautiful fragrant flowers and sneak them into
her rusty old metallic geometry box for safekeeping. All day long, she
would open the box and take a whiff of the roses every fifteen minutes
or so and close her eyes in profound ecstasy as if she was in possession
of the world famous Kohinoor diamond.
Often we would run into some other schoolgirls also going
to the same school. We would all then walk in a noisy group, like a
flock of wild birds. It rarely happened but sometimes the lane would be
totally deserted and so at times like these Rani Apa and I would quicken
our pace and race each other to get to the end.
One quiet and cold morning, we caught an early bus and
reached the lane when no other girl was there except us, but soon enough
we spotted Zahra, a schoolmate, walking ahead of us in the lane. We ran
and caught up with her and the three of us started walking and
discussing the very important upcoming final examination. We were
completely lost in our conversation when without warning Zahra let out a
piercing scream. Her books and stationary fell on the ground and the
white cotton dupatta on her head got caught on a nearby rosebush and
slid off. ‘Had she seen a ghost?’ was the first thought to cross my
From out of nowhere a man riding a bicycle had snuck up
on Zahra from behind and passing by had suddenly grabbed one of her
breasts like a hungry animal pawing to catch a piece of meat.
Traumatized by the incident, Zahra shook with terrified sobs. We tried
to console and comfort her but to no avail. She was hardly able to walk
on her own but we helped her get up and collected her scattered
belongings. Rani Apa’s face had turned white and she looked terrified. I
was burning with a fury I had not experienced before. I wanted to kill
that man, scum of the earth, and feed his disgusting body to hungry
vultures, but I could do nothing. I was as helpless as the other two. I
hurled curses at the man, but he rode his bike as fast as he could and
fled. That day Rani Apa didn’t steal a beautiful rose to store in her
rusty old metallic geometry box.
For the next few days the whole school kept buzzing with
the gory details of the horrible incident and then gradually the
sensationalism died down. Everyone got busy with the preparation of the
exams and pretended to put the story behind them.
On the last day there was a very important English exam
and Rani Apa was feeling very confident and relaxed as she had always
done very well in the subject. She was the teachers’ favorite and they
would sometimes even let her check the papers of junior students . As we
rushed for school that day we missed our regular bus and had to get on
another one that came a little later. As soon as we got off that bus we
started running to the school, as the examination hall was closing in a
few minutes. The shortcut lane was completely deserted and none of the
other schoolgirls could be sighted. They had all probably gone ahead.
Holding the writing board tight to her chest Rani Apa turned by habit to
quickly admire the flowers of the Rose house. I took a peek at my sister
who looked so innocent and happy, her gaze fixed on the fragrant
flowers. I was younger than her in age, but often it felt as if I was
much older and wiser and she was young and naïve, unaware of the world
around her.
“Oh My God”, Rani Apa suddenly whimpered and sensing the
terror in her voice I quickly prepared myself of lurking danger. I soon
spotted a bicycle coming from the opposite direction in the lane and
recognized the face of the same man who had attacked Zahra. Trying to
appear casual and confident so that he would not realize how scared we
actually were, we kept on walking ahead. We did not want to look at his
repulsive face but the monster suddenly rang his bicycle bell and
managed to catch our attention. We looked at him and he shocked us yet
once again. Our eyes met and what we saw shook us and destroyed our
innocence at that very moment. The depraved man had placed his prized
possession on the seat of the bicycle, flashing and flaunting it to us.
Apa screamed in terror and I picked up a brick from the floor and
attempted to throw it at him. He sped by on his bicycle unaffected,
whistling a filmy tune casually and happy to give us the proof of his
masculinity, pride and power. Moments after he was gone we felt like we
had woken up from a nightmare and had been brutally thrown back into the
real world that was no different. We felt violated and stripped off of
our childhood.
We reached the examination room feeling shell shocked and
completely drained. Shaking and trembling, Rani Apa kept bursting into
fits of uncontrollable tears. Our teachers got concerned and kept asking
us what went wrong and amid sobs I told them what had happened. Rani Apa
kept quiet and didn’t utter a single word. She looked lost and scared.
Suddenly the traffic light blinked and turned red. I
didn’t realize that I had missed the green light lost in my cheerless
thoughts. I turned and peeked at our daughters in the back seat once
again. They looked so youthful, vibrant, optimistic and carefree. “Apa
what about the Rose house?” I whispered in my sister’s ear. She
gestured that I should look on the right side of my car. I turned my
head and saw a big broad van standing next to our car at the traffic
light also. There were ten or fifteen young men sitting in it staring
outside the van’s greasy windows. Their faces and bodies were covered
entirely in thick, dark colored warm chaadars, and the only thing
that was exposed was their deep dark eyes and the hungry expression in
them. For a moment, the look in their eyes reminded me of a pair of dark
hungry, evil eyes I had seen a long time ago. The numerous piercing
eyes were set on our innocent baby dolls, like wolves eyeing their
prey. The girls sat completely unaware of what was going on around them
and in the minds of their mothers, who just moments ago were singing
along to the Sufi music, enjoying the lovely view of the canal and
having a good time. “Hey! Look at these men. Doesn’t it look like they
are coming straight from the mountains after flogging that
seventeen-year-old girl? Remember, the one we saw on TV?” said one,
looking back at the men. The other one followed her gaze and nodded.
Most of the windows in the van were open and ugly little
black mouths of the men’s trusted Kalashnikovs were peeking from within,
as if they were proudly proclaiming ‘We are invincible and
“Shameless naked men,” Rani Apa’s firm and authoritative
voice spat out in disgust at the men. She turned around and quickly
covered the eyes of our young daughters with both her hands. She wasn’t
afraid after all.
نیلم احمد بشیر
خود کش بمبار
لڑکے سے
سرخ سیبوں جیسے
گالوں والے خوبصورت لڑکے
تمہارا نام کیا
کیا کہا
ارے میرے منّے
کا بھی تو یہی نام ہے
وہی جو صبح اسی
رستے سےاسکول گیا ہے
جس پہ تم جیکٹ
پہنے جا رہے ہو
تمہیں کہیں ملا
تو نہیں
شکر ہے اس وقت
تک تو وہ اسکول پہنچ گیا ہوگا
اس کے ابو اسی
سڑک کی
ایک پولس چوکی
پر پہرہ دے رہے ہیں
عبدالقیوم ان
سے روز گلے مل کے جاتا ہے
تم نے انھیں
دیکھا تو نہیں
خدارا انھیں
اپنا نام نا بتا دینا
کہیں وہ
تمہیں بھی گلے سے نہ لگا لیں
surkh saibon jaisay gaalon waalay khoobsurat larkay
tumhara naam kya hai?
kya kaha abdulqayyum?
aray meray munnay ka bhi to yehi naam hai
wohi jo subah isi raastay say school gaya hai
jis pay tum jacket pehnay jaray ho
tumhain kaheen mila to nahi
shukar hai iss waqt tak tou woh school pohunch gaya ho
uss ke abu isshi sarak ki
ek police chauki pe pehra de rahay hein
Abdul Qayyum un se roz galay mil ke jaata hai
tum ne unhein dekha tou nahi?
Khudara unhein apna naam na bata dena
kaheen woh tumhei bhee galay se na laga lein
koray na maaro
phool say nazuk badan main dard hota hai
oragon main behnay wal khoon jum kar sard hota hai
mujhay koray na maaro
tumharay bagh ki nanhi kali hoon
abhi to adh khili hoon
na hi bahar na haryaali main nay dekhi hai
bus ik bhook aur budhaali mai nay dekhi hai
na gurya na khilonay ,sahelion ki hansi
mai nay kuch dekha nahi
tumharay khainchay huay daairay main rehti hoon
jo tum khilao wohi khaati aur pehenti hoon
jaisay bay bus tana ho lakri ka
jiss taraf tum bahao behti hoon
dil mai khamosh samandar meray
jisay mai aur bhi chup, chup hi kara daiti hoon
mere school jalaye tum nay
maut kay charkh chalaye tum nay
mere sub khwab sulaai tum nay
kabhi kutton kay aagay daal diya
kabhi zinda zameen main gaar diya
meri har cheekh dafan kartay ho
mera malboos kafan kartay ho
aankh say dekho zameen ki gohar nikaltay hain
khaak say roz nai surkh phool khiltay hain
نیلم احمد بشیر کے افسانوں کی کتاب
